# About the workshop We will be taking a look at the basic concepts of data pipelines as well as practical use cases using Python and libraries like pandas, matplotlib, and tensorflow. ## About you: - Some experience using the command line - Intermediate Python knowledge / use - Be able to apply what we learn and adopt to your use cases - Interested in data and systems - Aspring or current data engineering - Some knowledge about systems and databases (enough to be dangerous) ## Our focus for the day - Greater understanding on how to apply data pipelines using the Python and libraries in the Python scientific ecosystem - Focus on concepts (rather than complex implementations) - Practical knowledge application - Create the building blocks needed for your day-to-day work ## Keeping on track You will find 🚦 across the tutorial examples. We will use this to identify how folks are doing over the workshop (if following along in person). These will indicate practical or hands-on portions of the tutorial. ## Additional tutorial (PyCon US) For another (much longer) tutorial integrating MYSQL and Twitter stream data check out Also in the upcoming months I have planned: - Deploying Airflow in Kubernetes (AKS) - In depth programmatic report generation with Airflow and papermill - Airflow + dagster - Airflow + R?