Setup =============== This section will guide you through the pre requisites for the workshop. Please make sure to install the libraries before the workshop as the conference WiFi can get quite slow when having too many people downloading and installing things at the same time. Make sure to follow all the steps as detailed here. Python 3.x ++++++++++ 3.7 Preferred We will be using `Python `_. Installing all of Python's packages individually can be a bit difficult, so we recommend using `Anaconda `_ which provides a variety of useful packages/tools. To download Anaconda, follow the link and select Python 3. Following the download, run the installer as per usual on your machine. If you prefer not using Anaconda then this `tutorial `_ can help you with the installation and setup. If you already have Python installed but not via Anaconda do not worry. Make sure to have either ``venv`` or ``pipenv`` installed. Then follow the instructions to set your virtual environment further down. Git +++ `Git `_ is a version control software that records changes to a file or set of files. Git is especially helpful for software developers as it allows changes to be tracked (including who and when) when working on a project. To download Git, go to the following link and choose the correct version for your operating system: Windows -------- Download the `git for Windows installer `_ . Make sure to select "use Git from the Windows command prompt" this will ensure that Git is permanently added to your PATH. Also select "Checkout Windows-style, commit Unix-style line endings" selected and click on "Next". This will provide you both git and git bash. We will use the command line quite a lot during the workshop so using git bash is a good option. GitHub ++++++ GitHub is a web-based service for version control using Git. You will need to set up an account at ` `_. Basic GitHub accounts are free and you can now also have private repositories. Text Editors/IDEs ++++++++++++ Text editors are tools with powerful features designed to optimize writing code. There are several text editors that you can choose from. Here are some we recommend: - `VS code `_: this is your facilitator's favourite 💜 and it is worth trying if you have not checked it yet - `Pycharm `_ - `Atom `_ We suggest trying several editors before settling on one. If you decide to go for VSCode make sure to also have the `Python extension `_ installed. This will make your life so much easier (and it comes with a lot of nifty features 😎). Creating a virtual environment +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ You will need to create a virtual environment to make sure that you have the right packages and setup needed to follow along the tutorial. Follow the instructions that best suit your installation. Anaconda -------- Clone the repository: :: git clone Change into the repo :: cd opendata-airflow-tutorial Create a conda environment: :: conda env create -f environment.yml Once all the dependencies are installed you can activate your environment through the following commands :: source activate airflow-env # Mac activate airflow-env # Windows and Linux To exit the environment you can use :: conda deactivate virtualenv ----------- Create a directory for the tutorial, for example : :: mkdir airflow-tutorial and change directories into it (``cd airflow-tutorial``). Now you need to run venv :: python3 -m venv env/airflow # Mac and Linux python -m venv env/airflow # Windows this will create a virtual Python environment in the ``env/airflow`` folder. Before installing the required packages you need to activate your virtual environment: :: source env/bin/activate # Mac and Linux .\env\Scripts\activate # Windows Now you can install the packages using via pip ``pip install -r requirements.txt`` To leave the virtual environment run ``deactivate`` Docker +++++++ There is a Docker image built with all the needed libraries. You can run it locally with: :: docker run --rm -it -p 5555:5555/tcp -p 8080:8080/tcp -p 8793:8793/tcp -p 8888:8888/tcp -e JUPYTER_ENABLE_LAB=yes trallard/airflow-tutorial:1.0